
A jQuery plugin that creates a responsive 2-dimensional slider for both HTML elements and images.

View the Project on GitHub mchateloin/lattice.js

Not another slider plugin!


The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.


The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge, standing to the sky for what looked like eternity in all directions.


It was white and blinding and waterless and without feature.


An occasional tombstone sign pointed the way, for once the drifted track that cut its way through the thick crust of alkali had been a highway. Coaches and buckas had followed it


The world had moved on since then. The world had emptied.


There would be water if God willed it, the oldtimers said. Water if God willed it, even in the desert. The gunslinger stood up, brushing his hands.


The gunslinger had been struck by a momentary dizziness, a kind of yawing sensation that made the entire world seem ephemeral, almost a thing that could be looked through.


He laid the flint down the steel rod and struck his spark to the dry, shredded grass, muttering the old and powerful nonsense words as he did: "Spark-a-dark, where's my sire? Will I lay me? Will I stay me? Bless this camp with fire."


It passed and, like the world upon whose hide he walked, he moved on.

Sure, it's pretty much just another slider but it's got some interesting features!

  • Navigate slides in two dimensions.
  • Generates a map of thumbnails representing each slide to navigate.
  • Specify thumbnail images for each slide. Thumbnails can be resized.
  • Restrict paths that can be followed.
  • The slider and the slides themselves are responsive.
  • Use crop settings to crop to one of 9 areas of a slide as the slider decreases in width/height.
  • Can dynamically generate thumbnails via a canvas screenshot of a slide. Thanks @niklasvh for the html2canvas project!
  • Has a fullscreen mode.
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